Get the whole picture. Make quick, sound decisions.
Consider the power of one reliable source for patient information – current and past. In critical care, cardiac care, ApexPro™ telemetry and emergency care, it delivers data to support confident decision-making.
Review monitor data. Get active as well as historic data as patients move within or between care areas. You can access data on patient stays for up to six days post-discharge: Data from recent visits can give valuable insight to patient's current condition.
Full disclosure. View up to six days of data, including:
Arrhythmia events (up to 2000)
12SL or 12RL™ derived 12-lead ECG records from monitoring sessions
Patient-configurable full-disclosure page displays of ECG, respiration, SpO2 and IBP
Trend analysis: Review up to 72 hours of trended data (depending on monitoring device configuration).1
ST review. Continuously monitor for subtle ST-segment changes and help detect the onset of adverse events.
Data integration. Draw in data from the MARS™ ambulatory ECG review station and the MUSE™ cardiology information system. Citrix® support enables access to additional clinical information.
Alarm configuration. Exceptional flexibility helps you limit nuisance alarms, fight alarm fatigue, and create quite spaces where patients can heal.
Respiratory review: Respiratory waveforms and additional ventilator settings of patients on ventilators via the Unity Network™ ID help minimize bedside visits for status updates.
View multiple patients at once. Parameter numerics and waveforms for up to 16 patients at a time, and up to four waveforms per patient, enable you to monitor multiple patient rooms from an alternate monitoring area.