The pulsFOG K-10-SP-SAN is a special construction for the sanitary sector: A bent fogging pipe simplifies the treatment of underground sewage-systems via the access gullies or the ventilation openings in the street. The pesticide-fog is carried over several hundred meters within the sewage-system due to the constantly existing airblast; thus controlling disease-causing organisms, vectors and other pests effectively. The bent fogging pipe is exchangeable with a straight fogging tube. The pulsFOG K-10-SP-ANTEATER is a special construction for the control of pests in the soil e.g. termites and leaf-cutting ants, provided registered liquid pesticides are applied. Ants and even mice in the soil are successfully controlled with the active ingredients permethrine and chlorpyrifos. These two special applications demand for adjusting the fogging performance and therefore, the fogging performance of a pulsFOG K-10-SP-SAN or ANTEATER is not to be compared with a standardized K-10-SP with 17,5 kW. This special construction of the K-10-SP-SAN or ANTEATER (and special adaptation for straight/ fogging) reduces the fogging performance to 8,75 kW.
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