Customizable settings and embedded protocols help clinicians assess and address appropriate respiratory therapy. Using the advanced tools in the CARESCAPE R860, you can tailor care to meet the patient's requirements.
Measuring Functional Residual Capacity (FRC):
A vigilant focus on lung protection. The Lung Protection tools in the CARESCAPE R860 calculate FRC, providing you with data for determining the optimal PEEP setting for the patient.
Nutritional Assessment:
The CARESCAPE R860 offers advanced tools for Indirect Calorimetry measurements that are measured, not estimated. The Metabolics feature in the CARESCAPE R860 has the potential to help the clinical team to implement strategies which may help support improved patient outcomes., reduce infection rates and shorten the length of stay in the ICU.† The GE gas module measures inhaled and exhaled gases which the physician can use to assess patient's individual nutritional needs.
Weaning Support:
Prolonged ventilation is associated with a host of complications that can have significant health and cost implications.†† Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) is a mode of ventilation on the CARESCAPE R860 that allows clinicians to administer trials in a consistent manner while providing continuous trending and documentation of results to assess progress during trials. By easily navigating to see your patient's history, you know when they're ready to breathe on their own
† Neumayer LA, Smout RJ, Horn HG, Horn SD. Early and sufficient feeding reduces length of stay and charges in surgical patients. J Surg Res. 2001;95(1):73-77. | Dasta J, McLaughlin T, Mody S, et al. Daily cost of an intensive care unit day: the contribution of mechanical ventilation.Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 33, No. 6, pgs 1266-71. | Rubinson L, Diette GB, Song X, Brower RG, Krishan JA. Low caloric intake is associated with nosocomial bloodstream infections in patients in the medical intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 2004; 32(2): 350-356.
†† Bronagh Blackwood, Fiona Alderdice, Karen Burns, Chris Cardwell, Gavin Lavery, Peter O'Halloran "Use of weaning protocols for reducing duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill adult patients: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis.", BMJ, vol. 342, 2011.
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